miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2016

Ing and Deliberate Creation

Happy N0w, creative Tribe of the Rune 

The message this week comes through with vibration of the field of light of our angelic friend Mike 

“’Where there’s a will, there’s a way,’ right? Well, yes, sort of. The thing is that ‘the way’ has more to do with your alignment to the vibration of your desires than with doing anything with the circumstances at hand. Aligning your vibration to the vibration of your desires is a creative process that involves deliberate focus and joy BEFORE you are inspired to take any action. It requires you to relax and allow an easy dialogue between your Infinite Self and your Human Self during which your Amalgamated Self can interpret the higher vibration of your new desire into the words, streams of thought, and emotions that will ultimately manifest your desire in physical form. You have done this with every desire you’ve manifested, now you have the opportunity to do it DELIBERATEDLY, and although it requires focus, practice, and trust, the exhilaration of coming face to face with the creator being that you are is priceless…!”

Channeled by Vitki Carolina  

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